Summary Corrective Action Plans (SCAP)
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors established protocols in lawsuits. Where the liability settlement or judgment exceeds $100,000, a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) (confidential document) and a Summary Corrective Action Plan (SCAP) (a public record) must be produced.
When the Department's Risk Management Bureau receives a request for a CAP and accompanying SCAP, it is forwarded to the concerned division chief and unit commander. The division and/or unit are required to review, assess and evaluate the incident with a focus on the causational factors and corrective actions to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The results the incident review is then codified in a CAP and SCAP. The completed CAP/SCAP is required to be approved by the concerned division chief and unit commander and forwarded to Risk Management Bureau within 30 days of the initial request. Risk Management Bureau will process the final document and then forward it to the Chief Executive Office for final distribution.

What's the difference between a CAP and SCAP?
A SCAP is congruent to the CAP; however, it is a public record document which has been edited to exclude references to individual names, certain personally identifiable information (PII) and, also any information which may be protected by statutes such as HIPPA. Additionally, any punitive actions which may have been taken against the involved department personnel are excluded from the SCAP.
What happens after the CAP/SCAP is documented and approved?
A concerned division executive from the Department is responsible for attending the Claims Board and Public Safety Cluster Agenda Review (CAR) meetings to present and justify the actions recommended within the CAP. When the Board of Supervisors concur with the Department's corrective actions, the CAP will formerly be approved, allowing the funds to be released and the lawsuit settlement process to be complete. Shortly thereafter the SCAP is published and available to the public.